I'm not used to writing publicly with my name and I fully expect judgment. I just do not care anymore. If you do not like me, don't read this nor pretend to like me...... EVER. I have went through a difficult divorce in the past 2 years, lost some close friends, gained friends and somewhere along the way found the true essence of myself. at 39, I'm a work in progress. I only wish to explore what it feels like today, in this moment, to lose people that I used to share my secrets with that are gone. My personality has led me down paths where I gave everything of myself to people and they took advantage and quite frankly I believe the term would be "spit me out once they got what they wanted from me". This meaning I was of no additional use to them. I believe in today's world people can be selfish and take what they need from another person not considering how it may make someone else feel. I do realize people grow apart over time and that is the natural ...